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Applying for Financial Aid

When it comes to investing in a college education, you're not only investing your money, you're investing your time and hard work in your dreams for the future. At Mount Union, making your investment pay off is at the heart of all we do. To apply for financial aid, please follow the steps below.

Steps to Apply for Financial Aid

  1. 1. Complete the FAFSA Online

    The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to determine your student aid eligibility based on your personal and family situation. If you are a first-time user, you will be required to create an FSA ID. It allows users to access personal information on federal student aid websites as well as to sign a FAFSA.

    Visit to complete the FAFSA form.

    New students who have been accepted to the University will receive their award offers after FAFSAs are processed. Current students will receive their award offers after they have completed 2024 registration.

  2. 2. Submit Financial Aid Documents

    Missing financial aid documents are listed in self-service under “Financial Aid." All completed downloaded PDF forms will need to be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

    * Online forms require access to Mount Union's student, faculty, and staff portal. You will need a Mount Union username and password.

    Cost of Attendance Appeal Form
    You can request a Cost of Attendance Appeal if you believe the Cost of Attendance budget used in determining your financial aid package is insufficient. All budget increases will be in the form of loan eligibility. You must provide documentation showing that you incur expenses during the academic year that are higher than your standard financial aid budget.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Dependent Student Verification Worksheet
    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must compare your FAFSA with the information on this worksheet and other required documents before awarding Federal Student Aid. Use this form if you are a dependent student, determined by your FAFSA.

    *Complete the Form Online           

    Download 2024-2025 PDF

    Entrance Counseling and MPN Instructions
    If you have not previously borrowed a Federal Loan, you are required to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities. You must also complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN), a legal document in which you promise to repay your federal student loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees. View the instructions to complete entrance counseling and MPN.


    Family Size Verification for Dependent
    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must verify the family size listed on your FAFSA. Use this form if you are a dependent student, determined by your FAFSA. Only complete this form if it is listed under “Required Documents” in Self-Service.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Download 2025-2026 PDF

    Family Size Verification for Independent

    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must verify the family size listed on your FAFSA. Use this form if you are an independent student, determined by your FAFSA. Only complete this form if it is listed under “Required Documents” in Self-Service.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Download 2025-2026 PDF

    Independent Student Verification Worksheet

    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must compare your FAFSA with the information on this worksheet and other required documents before awarding Federal Student Aid. Use this form only if you are an independent student, determined by your FAFSA.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Download 2024-2025 PDF

    Loan Change Request Form
    Complete this form if you would like to reduce, increase, or decline any Federal or Private student or parent loans. Please note that not all changes will be possible. Our office will contact you if we cannot complete your request.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Parent Signature Form

    If you have completed one of our online forms and your parent’s signature is required, please download a pdf of this form and submit it to our office.

    Download PDF


    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form
    If you have not maintained appropriate academic progress as outlined by the University and feel you have extenuating circumstances that led to your disqualification for federal/state aid, you may appeal the decision by completing this form. If your appeal form is approved, you will then be required to meet with a financial aid representative.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Special Circumstance Appeal Form

    If you believe that, due to your family’s financial situation, medical expenses, or other special circumstances, the Office of Financial Aid should re-evaluate your financial aid eligibility, you may file an appeal using this form and submitting the required documentation.

    *Complete the Form Online 

    Download 2024-2025 PDF

    Download 2025-2026 PDF

    Unusual Circumstance Appeal
    Students may file this appeal to be classified as independent based on unusual circumstances which make obtaining your parent’s information for the FAFSA impossible.

    *Complete the Form Online 

    Download PDF

    Verification of Income for Parent Non-tax Filers

    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must verify that your parent(s) was not required to file an income tax return. Only complete this form if it is listed under “Required Documents” in Self-Service.

    Download 2025-2026 PDF

    Verification of Income for Student Non-tax Filers

    If you are selected for federal verification, the Office of Student Financial Aid must verify that you were not required to file an income tax return. Only complete this form if it is listed under “Required Documents” in Self-Service.

    *Complete the Form Online

    Download 2025-2026 PDF

    Please do not send any personally identifiable information (PII) via email if you are not able to encrypt it. PII includes attachments with Social Security Numbers, ID Numbers, dates of birth, etc. You may mail your information to us at Office of Student Financial Aid, University of Mount Union, 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, OH 44601 or deliver to our office on the lower level in the Gartner Welcome Center.

  3. 3. Explore Resources for Additional Funding

    Undergraduate Students:
    Review the Undergraduate Financial Aid Handout for options to cover your balance.

    Post-baccalaureate Students:

    Review the Post-baccalaureate Financial Aid Handout for options to cover your balance.

    Graduate Students:
    Review the Graduate Financial Aid Handout for options to cover your balance. Explore the resources below to find additional funding that will assist you with your educational expenses.

    Explore the educational loan options below to help defer costs until after graduation.


    Outside Scholarships
    Explore the resources below to find additional funding that will assist you with your educational expenses.

    • *Financial Aid SharePoint
    • Check to see if the student or parent employer offers scholarships
    • Check with the high school guidance office for a list of scholarships
    • Check your local community for businesses, churches, and civic organizations that offer scholarships

    *Requires access to Mount Union's student, faculty, and staff SharePoint


Log in to Self-Service to view your awards, determine your cost, and review and complete your required documents.

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